Philip Zhou, Dr. Phil Zhou, first post
Hi, my name is Dr. Phil Zhou (Philip Zhou, D.O.) and I am a physician and investor from California. I have lived in Los Angeles, San Diego, Bay Area, and Sacramento. I have also spent years in China. My background is in human medicine and pharmaceutical chemistry (Pfizer research grant). I am a Lakers fan. Why an investing blog? Stock investing is extremely fun! I am obsessed and do my homework more than anyone. When I was 12 years old, I started watching AMD stock. Every year I get better percentage returns than Wall Street by a massive percentage. I also took many classes on math and economics in college which helps in analyzing investing. This way, I can advocate for investment methods based on solid math rather than parroting traditional investment methods. I have tested these methods through multiple stock market crashes and backtested them using historical stock market data. Here I will post my analysis of Medical and Biotech stocks, and using Hedgefundie Leveraged ETF method (...
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